Find Your Spiritual Gift

Did you know that if you are a follower of Jesus, God has given you special tools and abilities to do the work of ministry? Typically we call these Spiritual Gifts. These gifts are things you do naturally that don't come naturally to everyone, but are used for the benefit of others. It can look like your ability to listen to others who go through challenges and sit in that pain with them. Or how you can explain the gospel in a way that makes sense to your listener. Or even the way you can organize groups and tasks to complete a project. There are so many different gifts and they look different in each of us. 

Use this assessment to help guide you in discovering the gifting God has given you. You will find that as you align what you do and how you serve with the way God has gifted you, you will not only be more effective, but you'll experience a greater sense of fulfillment and joy as you do!  You can go straight to the assessment tool here!

Or, by filling out this form first, we'll send you the link and be able to follow up to help you get plugged into volunteer opportunities and ministries that will allow you to use your gifts at WACC and in our community!